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  一人一人を結びつけて大多数の国民・世界の意志を示して壊憲・核兵器を止めさせましょう!情報革命は民主革命を、そして地球革命を推進するでしょう! 大多数の人々が核・戦争を望まないことを世界に示しましょう!!!

  The Doomsday Clock was advanced 30 seconds last year (2017 C.E.) and 30 seconds this year making it 2 minuets, nearest to the End of the World. Public opinion polls can be doubted and ignored due to pollsters and polling methods. Signatures, however, have the absolute weights because of their numbers expression of humans' wills. The greater the numbers are, the greater of their opinions.

     Let's connect person to person to show the majority wills of nations and the world to stop altering the peace constitution and nuclear weapons! Information revolution will promote democracy revolution and global revolution! Let's show to the world the majority of people don't want nuclear/war!!

Parties and signatories:

As of August 2019, 70 states have signed the Treaty and 25 have ratified it.[1] Additionally, Kazakhstan's parliament and head of state reportedly approved ratification of the treaty on 3 July 2019; once their instrument of ratification has been received by the depository they will complete their ratification process.

 State                            Signed                Ratified      

 Algeria                          20 Sept. 2017

 Angola                           27 Sept. 2018

 Antigua and Barbuda              26 Sept, 2018

 Austria                          20 Sept. 2017         8 May  2018

 Bangladesh                       20 Sept. 2017

 Benin                            26 Sept. 2018

 Bolivia                          16 Apr.  2018         6 Aug. 2019

 Brazil                           20 Sept. 2017

 Brunei                           26 Sept. 2018

 Cambodia                          9 Jan.  2019

 Cape Verde                       20 Sept. 2017

 Central African Republic         20 Sept. 2017

 Chile                            20 Sept. 2017

 Colombia                          3 Aug.  2018

 Cook Islands                      4 Sept. 2018

 Comoros                          20 Sept. 2017

 Congo, Democratic Republic of the20 Sept. 2017

 Congo, Republic of the           20 Sept. 2017

 Costa Rica                       20 Sept. 2017        5 July  2018

 Cote d'Ivoire                    20 Sept. 2017

 Cuba                             20 Sept. 2017       30 Jan.  2018

 Dominican Republic                7 June  2018

 Ecuador                          20 Sept. 2017

 El Salvador                      20 Sept. 2017       30 Jan.  2019

 Fiji                             20 Sept. 2017

 Gambia, The                      20 Sept. 2017       26 Sept. 2018

 Ghana                            20 Sept. 2017

 Guatemala                        20 Sept. 2017

 Guinea-Bissau                    26 Sept. 2018

 Guyana                           20 Sept. 2017       20 Sept. 2017

 Holy See                         20 Sept. 2017       20 Sept. 2017

 Honduras                         20 Sept. 2017

 Indonesia                        20 Sept. 2017

 Ireland                          20 Sept. 2017

 Jamaica                           8 Dec.  2017

 Kazakhstan                        2 March 2018

 Kiribati                         20 Sept. 2017

 Laos                             21 Sept. 2017

 Libya                            20 Sept. 2017

 Liechtenstein                    20 Sept. 2017

 Madagascar                       20 Sept. 2017

 Malawi                           20 Sept. 2017

 Malaysia                         20 Sept. 2017

 Mexico                           20 Sept. 2017       16 Jan. 2018

 Myanmar                          26 Sept. 2018

 Namibia                           8 Dec.  2017

 Nepal                            20 Sept. 2017

 New Zealand                      20 Sept. 2017       31 July 2018

 Nicaragua                        22 Sept. 2017       19 July 2018

 Nigeria                          20 Sept. 2017

 Palau                            20 Sept. 2017        3 May  2018

 Palestine                        20 Sept. 2017       22 March 2018

 Panama                           20 Sept, 2017       11 Apr. 2019

 Paraguay                         20 Sept. 2017

 Peru                             20 Sept. 2017

 Philippines                      20 Sept. 2017

 Samoa                            20 Sept. 2017       26 Sept. 2018

 San Marino                       20 Sept. 2017       26 Sept. 2018

 Sao Tome and Principe            20 Sept. 2017

 South Africa                     20 Sept. 2017       25 Feb.  2019

 St.Lucia                         27 Sept. 2018       23 Jan.  2019

 St.Vincent & Grenadines           8 Dec.  2017       31 July  2019

 Seychelles                       26 Sept. 2018

 Thailand                         20 Sept. 2017       20 Sept. 2017

 Timor-Leste                      26 Sept. 2018

 Togo                             20 Sept. 2017

 Tuvalu                           20 Sept. 2017

 Uruguay                          20 Sept. 2017       25 July 2018

 Vanuatu                          20 Sept. 2017       26 Sept. 2018

 Venezuela                        20 Sept. 2017       27 March 2018

 Vietnam                          22 Sept. 2017       17 May 2018

Total                             70                  25





As the ICAN and Nuke/Umbrella Nations demonstrated at U.N., Powers/Complexes prefer Ego/Profit to Globe/Life never to abolish Nuke/War. Only the effort (liberation/autonomy/solidarity/ collaboration) of the absolute majority of humanity/living beings. Either Nuke/War/Money or Life/No-War/No-Nuke. Let's realize this!


Japan vowed never to commit to war from the miseries of war and devastation of atomic bombs  and aspire for eternal peace and follow the universal principles with the full power with the people of the world to strive for vanishing tyrany, slavery, oppression, etc. There is a political force to eradicate the peace constitution of this determination and promise flying up as the phoenix. This should not be allowed, because in case of a war, sovereignty of people and their rights are not ensured, thus the three fundamental principles of the constitution are ignored and nation itself is negated.

                                  *    *     *     *     *









Constitution Preamble:


We, the Japanese People, acting through our duly elected representatives in the National Diet, determined that we shall secure for ourselves and our posterity the fruits of peaceful cooperation with all nations and the blessings of liberty throughout this land, and resolved that never again shall we be visited with the horrors of war through the action of government, do proclaim the sovereignty of the people's will and do ordain and establish this Constitution, founded upon the universal principle that government is a sacred trust the authority for which is derived from the people, the powers of which are exercised by the representatives of the people, and the benefits of which are enjoyed by the people; and we reject and revoke all constitutions, ordinances, laws and rescripts in conflict herewith.

Desiring peace for all time and fully conscious of the high ideals controlling human relationship now stirring mankind, we have determined to rely for our security and survival upon the justice and good faith of the peace-loving peoples of the world. We desire to occupy an honored place in an international society designed and dedicated to the preservation of peace, and the banishment of tyranny and slavery, oppression and intolerance, for all time from the earth. We recognize and acknowledge that all peoples have the right to live in peace, free from fear and want.

We hold that no people is responsible to itself alone, but that laws of political morality are universal; and that obedience to such laws is incumbent upon all peoples who would sustain their own sovereignty and justify their sovereign relationship with other peoples.

To these high principles and purposes we, the Japanese People, pledge our national honor, determined will and full resources.




1 日本国民は、正義と秩序を基調とする国際平和を誠実に希求し、国権の発動たる戦争と、武力による威嚇又は武力の行使は、国際紛争を解決する手段としては、永久にこれを放棄する。

2  前項の目的を達するため、陸海空軍その他の戦力は、これを保持しない。国の交戦権は、これを認めない。



(1) Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes.
(2) In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized.



Constitution of Japan:

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